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Список участников
Тезисы (подготовка)
Тезисы (сборник)
О Д.Я.Мартынове
Портал Агора
Тесные двойные звезды в современной астрофизике

Regional Astronomical conference
"Close binary stars in modern astrophysics"

First announcement

All-Russian Astronomical conference "Close binary stars in modern astrophysics" will be held at Sternberg Astronomical Institute (Moscow, Russia) from May 22 to May 24, 2006.

Binary stars are natural laboratories in which motion and interaction of the components allow the measurement of the most important stellar characteristics, including masses, radii, effective temperatures and probing the internal structure of the stars. This is why binary systems have always been considered as primary sources in astrophysical studies. Binary stars with relativistic components are now used as precise tools to test theory of structure and evolution of ordinary stars, degenerate stellar remnants and black holes. The unique features of close binary systems with compact relativistic objects are mainly determined by accretion of matter from the normal companion star on the compact object. The huge gravitational energy released in accretion is transformed into heat and radiated away in hard electromagnetic spectrum. The physics of these processes was first elaborated in our country in the middle 1960s - the beginning of the 1970s in pioneer papers by Ya. B. Zeldovich, I.S. Shklovskij and their collaborators.

Long-term optical observations of eclipsing close binary systems with eccentric orbits have been carried out by D.Ya. Martynov, his students and collaborators. They provided the unique opportunity to study apsidal motion in these systems that allows probing the internal structure of the stars and testing fundamental theories of gravity.

Conference organizers:

  • Sternberg Astronomical Institute (SAI MSU)
  • Moscow State University
  • Astronomical Scientific Consil (RAS)
  • International European-Asian Astronomical Society

Scientific Organizing Committee:

  • Cherepashchuk А.М. - Chair
  • Khaliullin Kh.F. – Vice-Chair
  • Postnov К.А. - Secretary
  • Bisikalo D.V.
  • Boyarchuk А.А.
  • Gnedin Yu.N.
  • Glushneva I.N.
  • Karetnikov V.G.
  • Katsova М.М.
  • Lipunov V.М.
  • Masevich A.G.
  • Pystylnik I.
  • Sakhibullin N.А.
  • Sunyaev R.A.
  • Tutukov А.V.
  • Shakura N.I.
  • Kumsiachvilli M.I.
  • Voloshina I.B.

Local Organizing Committee:
  • Voloshina I.B. - Chair
  • Prochorov М. E.– Vice-chair
  • Zabolotskij M.V. – Secretary
  • Abramova O.V.
  • Antipin S.V.
  • Bychkov K.V.
  • Katisheva N.A.
  • Pavlov A.A.
  • Popov S.B.
  • Tiurina N.V.
  • Shakura N.N.

The Conference Program:
  1. Apsidal motion in semi-detached binaries;
  2. Highly evolved close binary systems;
  3. Physical processes in close binary systems;
  4. Evolution of close binary systems;
  5. High accuracy observations of close binary systems from future space missions

The special memorial session devoted to the 100-th anniversary of the well-known Russian astrophysicist, professor D.Ya. Martynov, will be organized in the framework of the conference.

The number of participants is limited.

Invited speakers:

  • Cherepashchuk А.М.
  • Boyarchuk А.А.
  • Gnedin Yu.N.
  • Karetnikov V.G. (Ukraine)
  • Masevich A.G.
  • Pystylnik I. (Estonia)
  • Sakhibullin N.А.
  • Sunyaev R.A.
  • Tutukov А.V.
  • Shakura N.I.
  • Kumsiachvilli M. (Georgia)
  • Budding E. (New Zealand, Turkey)
  • Wilson R. (USA)
  • Gimenez A., (ESA, Spain)
  • Djurasevic G. (Serbia and Montenegro)
  • Demircan O. (Turkey)
  • Rovithis-Livaniou H. (Greece)

The conference fee for foreign participants will be 120 Euro.

No financial support for participants will be possible.


Registration will be open via internet : http://agora.guru.ru/martynov-2006/ from December 15, 2005 to March 15, 2006.
Deadline for abstracts of contributions: March 15, 2006.

Contact information:

119992 Moscow, University prospect, 13 Sternberg Astronomical Institute Phones: +7 (495) 9391616 (LOC),
Fax: +7 (495) 9328841 (for Martynov-2006 conference)

cher@sai.msu.ru, pk@sai.msu.ru (Scientific Organizing Committee),
martynov_2006@sai.msu.ru (Local Organizing Committee)